Onboarding for Managers

Onboarding for Managers

Help Your Managers Onboard Their New Hires

Onboarding is decentralised and the responsibility of the managers. But they need help. Our Fast-Track solution will help make your leader better Onboarding Managers and ensure the new employees get off to a flying start.

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Train and Support Your leaders to Become Better Onboarding Managers


The responsibility for onboarding new employees lies decentralised with the hiring manager, who must ensure that the new employee is integrated into both the position and the company. But the managers lack the knowledge and tools to be good onboarding managers; the onboarding becomes unstructured, flawed and time-consuming, which is both bad for the new employee and for the manager.

Onboarding for Managers

Get Onboarding Reports Made for Your Managers

Our Onboarding Fast Track makes it easier for your manager to integrate your employee into the job more quickly, ensuring high quality across all your new employees.

It provides a specific report on the employee’s onboarding experience and focuses on the specific elements that are challenging.

Onboarding for Managers

Let Them Focus On What Truly Need

The manager can use the report to have a targeted dialogue and address the areas where employees need help.

Onboarding for Managers

Help Them to Understand What a Good Onboarding Is

Our leadership training helps the leader understand what onboarding is and what role the leader plays.

How Do We Help Your Managers?

Our Fast-Track is used as an evaluation and follow-up of your managers’ onboarding efforts. 25 questions that inquire about the Pre & Onboarding experience calculated according to the Onboarding model© and the six categories.

Onboarding for Managers

Onboarding Model©

Introdus has carried out the world’s largest study on onboarding, which forms the basis for the Introdus model and its six dimensions: Culture, Rules, Network, Collaboration, Competences and Results.

A good onboarding feeling requires that the new employee is onboarded within all six categories.

Is Your Onboarding Also Unstructured and Dependent on The Individual Manager?

Book your meeting and see how we can help you.


We are currently completely overwhelmed and have stopped receiving bookings with a link. If you must reach us, send us an email at hello@introdusapp.com



Onboarding for Managers

It’s very important to make sure that all our global employees benefit from the same experience.

—Dorte van der Linden, Talent Acquisition Manager at Milestone Systems.

Onboarding for Managers
Preboarding Effect

The feedback from our employees is that they felt a connection with the company before starting.

—Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco.

Introdus helps your managers and new employees.


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Introdus helps your managers and new employees.


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