Client Story
PNO engages and empowers new employees
PNO is the Nordics’ leading trailer rental company. PNO believes in long term customer relationships based on trust, and the importance of taking responsibility as a company. This responsibility is not only in relation to their customers and their employees, but also towards the environment.
The purpose of PNO is to lead the transition to sustainable freight. They strongly believe that PNO can be a key driver of change in the logistics industry by investing in innovation and digitalisation.
PNO is family-owned company founded in 1975, and has a very well-established Culture and very specific characteristics inside the transport industry.

Client Quote
It was nice to get to learn more about the company and their values. I really appreciated that.
—Nikolai Willer Svendsen, former Fleet & Commercial Support at PNO.
Introdus’ Impact
Nikolai Willer Svendsen, Fleet and Commercial Support at PNO, highlighted the impact that the Introdus platform had on his new employee journey. Reflecting on his new hire experiences, he was especially content with his Preboarding phase, as he was not in the same country as his new company. Even if Nikolai did not have any physical contact with his new team, he assured that, by using Introdus, PNO provided him with the necessary support prior to the first day on the job. Â
The social aspect is not the only dimension of PNO’s Pre & Onboarding that is being impacted by Introdus. Additionally, Introdus is impactful through the information and knowledge that new employees are acquiring from every module pertaining to the Preboarding and Onboarding processes.
As a company with a longstanding history and well-established culture, PNO places a high focus on facilitating its new employees’ understanding of the culture and values of the company through the Pre & Onboarding platform.

Key Wins
✓ Learning Specific Knowledge
New employees are learning a specific industry and culture, even if they come from different sectors.
✓ Social Connection
Even if the new employees are hired remotely, they get in contact with and involved with the team to get ready for the first day on the job.
✓ Engagement
New hires feel valued by the company when given the possibility to get to learn more prior to starting on the job.
Preboarding plays a key role in supporting employees as soon as they sign their new employment contracts. In many cases, and also highlighted by Nikolai’s story, the new hire might not have previous experience within the new employer’s industry. But when being preboarded, the employee is provided with an immediate insight and the necessary information to start the new job with a high degree of confidence. The employees respond extremely well to this feature of a well structured Preboarding programme.
“There was a lot of information in an industry that I did not know too well. But it [i.e. preboarding] gives you that awareness, what am I getting into?, what is this company all about?”
Client Experience
I’ve heard from everyone (i.e. co-workers); everyone has benefited from Preboarding. It gives you that kind of awareness before you start.
—Nikolai Willer Svendsen, former Fleet & Commercial Support at PNO.
The Learning Process
When the Pre & Onboarding processes are supported and enhanced by multimedia content, the employees become more engaged and absorb better the information being presented to them. Indeed, there’s as much that can be achieved by using some slides or a website.
Multimedia content which is followed up by quizzes can guarantee a more rewarding learning process and experiences for new hires.
When the onboarding process is clearly planned, the new hires are relieved of feeling uncertain or misplaced. When you know that your new employer has it all planned out for you, the only thing you must do is show up, engage and start building trust and connections.
The importance of a well-structured and effective onboarding process in making employees feel at home when being pre & onboarded is hightened when employees, such as Nikolai start new positions remotely: “It was weird in the beginning because you had no physical contact with the people that you were working with. But I would say, this whole [onboarding] programme actually, despite not having physical contact with people, or having any physical meetings, it was still really nice. I was really fond of it.”
Client Experience
You have the platform in front of you, all the working tasks, and it is more like you figure it out. It is the best way that works for me.
—Nikolai Willer Svendsen, former Fleet & Commercial Support at PNO.