Client Story
Lyreco ensures new hires feel connected before starting on the job.
Client Story
Lyreco ensures new employees feel connected before starting on the job.
The Lyreco Group is the European leader and the third largest distributor of workplace products and services in the world. Its 10,000 employees share a common commitment: to deliver sustainably what any workplace needs, wherever its employees work, so that they can focus on what matters most to their business.

Key Wins
✓ New Hires Connected
New hires start on the job already feeling connected with the company.
✓ Uniform Onboarding Process
Lyreco has now a uniform onboarding process for everyone in the company.
✓ A Digitally Aware Company
introdus is also giving Lyreco a framework to help them navigate in becoming more modern and digital. Their Pre & Onboarding processes are also helping them with their employee branding.
✓ Time-to-Performance
They also have significant effects in regards to the new employees’ time-to-performance.

Key Wins
✓ New Hires Connected
New hires start on the job already feeling connected with the company.
✓ Uniform Onboarding Process
Lyreco has now a uniform onboarding process for everyone in the company.
✓ A Digitally Aware Company
Introdus is also giving Lyreco a framework to help them navigate in becoming more modern and digital. Their Pre & Onboarding processes are also helping them with their employee branding.
✓ Time-to-Performance
They also have significant effects in regards to the new employees’ time-to-performance.

In the Client’s Words
We have seen our employees telling about their onboarding experience on LinkedIn.
—Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco.
The Challenge
Lyreco was looking to implement a structured onboarding programme. They had to create a process almost from scratch and thinking in the future. Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco, explained: “We had a workshop where we sat together in our HR department, where we discussed about finding solutions on how we are going to have our onboarding programme in the future”.
During this meeting, the HR team used some of the onboarding elements from their Sales department and they were inspired by the way they did it in their Sales organization.
Preboarding Effect
The feedback from our employees is that they felt a connection with the company before starting.
—Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco.
The Solutions
Lyreco was orientated in how to build their Pre & Onboarding journeys. “Introdus had all the steps, all the elements that our onboarding process should include”.
“Introdus helped us in defining the content we should have in the platform and in structuring the content we already had, as we had not been using it in the most optimal way”, Nigheena mentioned. “They helped us in creating very engaging and fun videos. I wanted our new employees to have a connection with real pictures and videos of real employees. This was the main focus I had with our content, that it shouldn’t be corporate, but should be real and more human, so they could really see what they will be part of.”
The next step for Lyreco is implementing the Buddy platform made by Introdus, to enhance their existing processes. Nigheena has good expectations for this new system. Before starting the implementation at Lyreco, she shared that the key anticipated benefits are “for our new hires feeling a connection. And that’s why I think the buddy platform can make a big difference”.
Employee Branding
We have taken a step up in becoming a more modern company. And it tells a lot about who we are.
—Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco.
The Results
Nigheena also shared with us that they see some big results in having the Lyreco’s Preboarding phase. “The most important thing that we got out from having this platform is the connection. Our new employees feel a connection with the company before starting.”
“Introdus also gave us a sense that we, as a company, are striving in becoming more modern and digital, where we use different ways of promoting ourselves as a new company. And we have seen our employees telling about their onboarding experience on LinkedIn – that they think it’s good and a very modern way of doing things”, she added.
The Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco also shared that they saw some great results in regards to the time-to-performance of their new employees.
Introdus’ Buddy System
The Buddy platform is a way to make our processes smoother, more efficient and in a smarter way.
—Nigheena Klein Corap, Talent Acquisition Specialist at Lyreco.
Konstantina’s Story
Strategic International Account Manager at Lyreco.
She has been on the job for only 2 weeks and tells us about her Pre & Onboarding experience.
Konstantina’s Story
Strategic International Account Manager at Lyreco.
New Employee & New Team Connection
It felt a little bit like I have been in the company for a while, and that was a really nice experience.
—Konstantina Nilsson, Strategic International Account Manager at Lyreco.