How to Reduce First-Year Employee Churn in Hospitality


Reducing first-year employee churn is a critical issue for hospitality businesses, as high turnover rates can have a significant impact on revenue and employee acquisition costs. Losing new hires within the first year can be costly, not only in terms of the time and resources invested in recruiting and training, but also in the potential loss of productivity, knowledge, and expertise.

Additionally, high churn rates can lead to a negative impact on the overall employee journey map, culture and morale of the organization, which can further exacerbate retention challenges. In the highly competitive hospitality industry, where customer service is paramount, maintaining a stable and experienced workforce is crucial for delivering a high-quality guest experience.

As a result, it is essential for hospitality businesses to proactively address this issue by understanding the key drivers of churn and developing strategies to improve employee engagement and retention. Find out how to reduce first-year employee churn for Hospitality business.

The Top 5 Reasons for High First-Year Churn in Hospitality


There are several reasons why there is a high first-year churn rate for new employees in the hospitality industry. Here are a few potential factors:


Having a High Turnover Industry

The hospitality industry is known for having a high turnover rate due to the nature of the work, which often involves long hours, shift work, and low wages. Many employees view it as a stepping stone to other industries or roles, which can lead to turnover.

Hospitality Industry is a Seasonal Demand

Many hospitality jobs, such as those in hotels or resorts, are seasonal and require a large workforce during peak times. This can lead to a surge in hiring during the busy season, followed by layoffs or reduced hours during slower periods.

Lack of Training and Support

In some cases, new employees in the hospitality industry may not receive adequate training or support to help them succeed in their roles. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction, ultimately resulting in turnover.

Poor Management

Poor management practices, such as a lack of communication, unrealistic expectations, or a negative work culture, can contribute to high turnover rates in the hospitality industry.

Limited Career Growth Opportunities

Hospitality jobs can be viewed as dead-end jobs, with limited opportunities for career growth or advancement. This can lead to employees seeking out other opportunities after their first year on the job.


Overall, these factors and others can contribute to a high first-year churn rate in the hospitality industry. To address this challenge, employers can focus on improving training and support, providing opportunities for career growth, and creating a positive work culture. Additionally, offering competitive wages and benefits can help attract and retain employees in a highly competitive labor market.

How to Reduce First-Year Employee Churn in Hospitality


Thanks to the end-to-end solution provided by Introdus, we expect to see a 30% reduction in first-year churn.

—Sebastian Jeppesen, Group Head of People Operations at JOE & THE JUICE.

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The Top Five Solutions to Reduce First-Year Employee Churn in Hospitality


The hospitality industry can be a challenging and demanding field, and many employees who start a new job in this industry may leave within their first year. High turnover rates can have a negative impact on a company’s bottom line and can create a stressful work environment for the remaining employees.

However, there are solutions to reduce first-year employee churn in hospitality. In the following paragraphs, we are exploring the top five solutions that employers can implement to create a positive work environment, enhance communication and feedback, offer professional development opportunities, and provide competitive compensation and benefits.

By prioritizing employee retention, companies can foster a loyal and dedicated workforce, improve the guest experience, and achieve long-term success in the competitive hospitality industry. Here are five solutions to reduce first-year employee churn in hospitality:


Identifying Key Drivers with Your Pre & Onboarding Platform

One effective solution to reduce first-year employee churn is to identify the key drivers that impact employee retention. A comprehensive Pre & Onboarding Review can help employers gain a better understanding of their current employee experience and identify areas that require improvement.

By using a platform like Introdus, companies can measure the effectiveness of their current introduction process, analyze feedback from new hires, and gain insights into where to focus their strategy.


Implement a Comprehensive Onboarding Program

Many employees leave their job within the first year due to inadequate training and unclear expectations. By implementing a comprehensive onboarding program, new hires can gain a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities, the company’s culture, and the resources available to them. You can easily download this onboarding plan template to start implementing your first steps. We also recommend you to take a look at this onboarding flow chart example.


Foster a Positive Work Environment

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that values their well-being and creates a positive work environment. This can be achieved by providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing achievements, and promoting work-life balance.


Provide Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Salary and benefits are significant factors in employee retention. It is essential to offer competitive pay and benefits packages that reflect the market standards and align with the employee’s level of experience and job responsibilities.


Enhance Communication and Feedback

Employees want to feel heard and valued. By providing regular communication and feedback, employers can address concerns and issues before they become major problems. Regular feedback sessions can also help employees feel more connected to their work and the company.


Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Employees who feel challenged and see opportunities for growth within their role are more likely to stay with their employer. Companies can offer professional development opportunities, such as training programs, certifications, and mentorship programs, to support their employees’ growth and development.



How to Implement a Comprehensive Onboarding Program


In conclusion, reducing first-year employee churn in the hospitality industry requires a multi-faceted approach that focuses on creating a positive work environment, offering professional development opportunities, providing competitive compensation and benefits, and enhancing communication and feedback. Utilizing a Pre & Onboarding platform like Introdus can significantly assist in achieving these goals by providing a comprehensive and streamlined process for new hires.

Furthermore, this platform provides its Introdus’ Pre & Onboarding Review which helps employers analyze and understand the effectiveness of their current employee retention strategies, identify areas for improvement, and develop new strategies that align with their goals.

By taking proactive measures to retain their workforce, hospitality companies can create a stable and motivated team that delivers exceptional service to their guests and ultimately drive long-term success for their business.

How is JOE & THE JUICE reducing first-year churn by 30% with Introdus?

To reduce their churn rate, one of Scandinavia’s most successful companies turned to a Pre & Onboarding strategy. To start, they examined their Onboarding Review to determine where to focus their employee introduction process. Next, they created content tailored to their needs, and finally, designed a targeted Pre & Onboarding program that centered around the employee experience.

How to Reduce First-Year Employee Churn in Hospitality

Start Reducing First-Year Employee Churn for your Hospitality Business


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